We recognize that many people who visit a church for the first time do so with a bit of fear and trepidation, but we hope that you feel warmly welcomed and comfortable at Valley Presbyterian Church. Valley is a spiritual home to people from all walks and stations of life, believers and questioners, people from a range of backgrounds and faith perspectives, who come together to worship God, be more like Jesus, and serve God's creation.
We have highlighted some key information in this section, but the best way to get know Valley is to talk with the people here. Don't hesitate to strike up a conversation with our pastor, elders, greeters, or the people in your row, and learn more about the life of worship, fellowship, and service together.
What time is your worship service?
Valley worships at 10 AM on Sunday mornings. Please click on the link here for more details. We livestream our Sunday morning worship service via Zoom. If you're ill or unable to attend in person, please contact the Church Office for information to log-on.
How do I get there?
Valley is located on West Whisconier Road, just off of Rt. 25 (Whisconier Rd) and just below Whisconier Middle School. Visit our Directions page for more details.
What happens during church?
As you enter the church, a friendly usher will greet you and give you a bulletin to guide you through the service. Our worship features reading, preaching, prayer and music. At times, you will be invited to stand, sing, pray, greet your neighbor, be in silence, or read responsively.
Communion is offered on the first Sunday of each month and at special services throughout the year. Our communion table is open to everyone--baptized or not, confessed or not, sure or not, saint or sinner or a little of both.
At worship we maintain the ancient Christian practice of receiving an offering to support the church's ministries. We welcome your gifts and encourage everyone to live a life marked by generosity. If you are unable to give financially, please consider an offering of time or talent to the church, another organization, or a neighbor in need.
Do you offer childcare or Sunday School?
Child care and Sunday School is currently suspended due to the Covid-19 epidemic and will resume when it is safe to do so.
What should I wear?
Currently, masks are optional, but recommended. Some people come dressed in their Sunday best. Others dress more causally. Either way, we believe that God cares more about the state of our hearts than the state of our attire, and encourage you to dress the way that feels most appropriate to you.
How long do services last?
Worship lasts about one hour.
Is there a coffee hour or fellowship time after church?
We gather in our Narthex after the service for fellowship and to share a coffee or lemonade and often a delicious treat. We invite you to stick around for a snack or beverage, strike up a conversation and make some new friends!
Do you offer a Sunday Bible study for adults?
Sunday morning Bible study meets at 9:00 AM for a closer look at our sacred texts. We offer an Adult Bible Study via Zoom on Tuesdays at 3 PM. These sessions are led by Valley lay leaders, who challenge us to break open God's word and explore how it speaks to us and the world we live in. Other Bible studies and adult education programs are offered throughout the year. Watch for latest information on the Valley website or on our Facebook page.
Is the church handicap accessible?
Yes. Valley offers a range of accessibility accommodations. More information is available by clicking here.
How can I get more information?
You can email [email protected] and we'll make sure your question gets to the right place.