These services are subject to change during the current Covid-19 epidemic.
Christmas Eve
We offer a multi-generational worship service at 5 p.m. on Christmas Eve. It general includes an instant Christmas pageant, when children of any age are invited to come by 4:45 p.m. and choose a costume to participate in the recount of the nativity of Jesus. Our choirs offer special music, and we always conclude by lighting our candles and singing "Silent Night." All are welcome!
Ash Wednesday worship is held at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary. This meditative service of scripture and song, confession and the imposition of ashes (if you choose) invites us into the reflective season of Lent.
Maundy Thursday worship is held in the round in the sanctuary at 7 p.m. We remember Jesus' Last Supper with his friends, and then move into Tenebrae (or Service of Shadows), hearing the account of Jesus' last days. After each reading, we extinguish a candle, until only the Christ Candle remains lit. We sit in meditative silence listening to the bell toll before departing.
Good Friday we participate in an ecumenical Cross Walk with other churches in Brookfield. Beginning and ending at Congregational Church Brookfield (on the corner or Rts 133 & 25), we walk through town stopping at eleven locations to read scripture, reflect, pray and sing. The Good Friday Cross Walk begins at 10 a.m. and is finished before noon.
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunrise is celebrated ecumenically with other churches in Brookfield. Details of the service vary from year to year, but we always gather in the dark around the fire, hear the resurrection account, sing an celebrate.
Easter Festival Worship with Communion is at 10 a.m. here at Valley. Our Adult and Bell choirs lead us in praise and song, our sanctuary is decorated in beautiful flowers, some of which our children even take home, and we celebrate communion, all of which is shaped by the Christian story of Christ's resurrection.
Heritage Sunday
On Reformation Sunday (the last Sunday in October) we celebrate our ties as a Presbyterian Church to the Church of Scotland. Our resident piper plays us in and out of worship, many of us wear tartans, and we celebrate the Church Universal to which we witness in this place.
All Saints Sunday
On the first Sunday of November, we honor all those who have gone before us in faith. Immediately following our regular morning worship, many of us assemble outside in the Memorial Garden for a brief Service of Remembrance. Whether the death of a loved one is recent or long past, this time holds a meaningful place in the life of our congregation.