“The woman said to him, ‘Sir, give me this water, so that I may never be thirsty or have to keep coming here to draw water.’” ~ John 4:15
For centuries, wells have been a place where women gather, to get water for their households, to slake their thirst in the heat of the day, and to share and support one another in daily living. This spring, the women of Valley are invited to “Come to the Well.” We’ll delve into Jesus’ encounter with the Woman at the Well (John 4), and consider what fills our lives, what it is we thirst for, and what ways we too meet Christ in our daily living.
We’re returning to Hallelujah Farm, a lovely spiritual retreat and hospitality house nestled in the hills and meadows of the southwestern corner of New Hampshire, in the small town of Chesterfield (just a few miles from Brattleboro VT and Keane NH). It is a quiet place to find peace in contemplation, strengthen friendships, feed your soul with the beauty of natural surroundings and enjoy the slower pace of country life.