Welcome To Valley Presbyterian Church If you feel lost or if you feel found, if you have questions or if you have peace, if you've gone to church all your life, or if you've never once crossed the threshold, you are very welcome here! Jason Santalucia Pastor Max Vladimiroff Music Director Laura Evans Cantor Terri Flanagan Church Administrator A PEEK AT UPCOMING EVENTS... Theology on Tap Wednesday, February 19, 2025 | 5 PM to 6 PM ![]()
Come and take part in the lively discussions at “Theology on Tap” from 5 PM to 6 PM on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. We’ll meet at Bora Restaurant and Wine Bar, 68 Stony Hill Road, Bethel for some informal discussions on life and faith. It’s a great time to get together to share ideas and views with Valley friends old and new. This is open to the public. No admission fee. We just all pay for our own food and beverage. Everyone is welcome; so invite your friends and neighbors. Let's all Think Deeply. Discuss Freely. Drink Responsibly. RSVP: [email protected] The Great American Songbook with Jessica Ann Best & Alan Jones
Sunday, February 23, 2025 | 3:00 PM ![]()
Join us for our first concert of 2025! The very talented Jessica Ann Best & Alan Jones will be performing The Great American Songbook on Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 3:00 PM! This concert is open to the public and free with a suggested donation of $20 gratefully accepted at the door. Save the date for this opportunity to enjoy a music filled afternoon of songs being performed from the beloved songbook! |
The Presbytery of Southern New England
Synod of the Northeast The Presbyterian Church (USA) SUNDAYS AT VALLEY Adult Bible Study | 9:00 AM Library; lower level Worship Service | 10:00 AM Coffee Hour following worship The Lord's Supper | Celebrated the First Sunday of every month. _________________________________ Lectionary Bible Study |3:00 PM Tuesday afternoons via Zoom. Contact the church office to join. Printable Lectionary Lists (PCUSA website) _________________________________ CONTACT VALLEY Church Office | 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Tuesday – Thursday Telephone: 203.775.2624 Email: [email protected] Location: 21 West Whisconier Road Brookfield, CT 06804 Directions _________________________________ Prayer Requests: Please email or call the church office if you have a prayer request that you would like added to our Deacons' prayer chain. Subscribe to our weekly email for the latest news from Valley! What's Happening at Valley? Calendar of Events _________________________________ We are a member of: The Presbytery of Southern New England Synod of the Northeast The Presbyterian Church (USA) For Information on Senior Care Resources in CT: www.assistedliving.org/connecticut FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA @valleypresbyterianchurchbrookfield |
Nurturing body, mind & soul
There's always something going on at Valley. Come check us out. Everyone welcome! |